Davide - I encourage you to consider whether you can do that tiny bit more from 
"posting a working on this list". You can of course choose what you want, and 
Pharo is free for everyone, but as is often mentioned - its a project that 
belongs to everyone and the more we can each do, the better (and quicker) it 

I too started out thinking I was too busy, and that posting a solution that 
"others" could run with was enough - but then I noticed how busy some of the 
key people are, fixing things that are beyond my perceived capability. And it 
dawned on my that I could at least create an issue on Github with my poposed 
fix and some more details around the problem (and maybe post that here to widen 
conversation) - this at least made things more efficient to get fixed.

And then I noticed sometimes those fixes never got applied, and I realised that 
those key people really are super busy and I want them to fix/improve the 
harder stuff - and honestly - it wasn't that much harder to launch a fresh 
image - create branch, apply my fix and submit a PR - in fact I learned a lot 
more doing it AND I helped those busy people too. win/win.

So why not consider giving it a go next time? In fact your settings idea would 
be a great one to flex your passion on?

Of course - posting a fix is helpful - but at least create the issue.


On Tue, 14 May 2024, at 6:17 AM, Davide Varvello wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I get it and appreciate your suggestion. My approach to contribute to 
> the Pharo community is when I can solve an issue to post my solution or 
> a workaround on this list, I know pushing code to github would be 
> better but I can’t do more than this actually, sorry.
> Cheers
> Davide
> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 07:03:55 PM GMT+2, Tim Mackinnon 
> <tim@testit.works> wrote: 
> Davide - why don't you submit a PR? I'm sure you can figure out how to 
> add a settings to the system (can't offhand remember, but there are 
> examples - and you can ask on the discord) and it would be a nice 
> contribution to make .
> Its all the little contributions that make the system better - I know 
> I've been there, and saw how the others do it and so had a go.
> Tim
> On Fri, 10 May 2024, at 5:25 PM, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> It seems to me the default size of a lot of windows is too small, so after 
>> some search and thanks to this 
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55102480/how-do-i-change-the-default-height-of-the-system-browser
>>  by Marko Grdinić
>> I discovered I can change the default size of many type of windows simply 
>> changing ClyBrowserMorph>>initialExtent.
>> HTH
>> It would be good to be able to manage the size of windows in Settings
>> Cheers
>> Davide

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