Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 18b8abf60a42d4034f489b7ee8720e354e18a564
  Author: Sebastian Wilzbach <>
  Date:   2016-05-27 (Fri, 27 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M index.d
    M std/algorithm/package.d
    M std/ascii.d
    M std/bitmanip.d
    M std/c/fenv.d
    M std/c/locale.d
    M std/c/math.d
    M std/c/process.d
    M std/c/stdarg.d
    M std/c/stddef.d
    M std/c/stdio.d
    M std/c/stdlib.d
    M std/c/string.d
    M std/c/time.d
    M std/c/wcharh.d
    M std/compiler.d
    M std/container/array.d
    M std/container/binaryheap.d
    M std/container/dlist.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/container/rbtree.d
    M std/container/slist.d
    M std/container/util.d
    M std/conv.d
    M std/cstream.d
    M std/demangle.d
    M std/digest/crc.d
    M std/digest/md.d
    M std/digest/ripemd.d
    M std/digest/sha.d
    M std/encoding.d
    M std/exception.d
    M std/file.d
    M std/format.d
    M std/functional.d
    M std/getopt.d
    M std/math.d
    M std/mathspecial.d
    M std/meta.d
    M std/mmfile.d
    M std/numeric.d
    M std/outbuffer.d
    M std/path.d
    M std/process.d
    M std/random.d
    M std/range/interfaces.d
    M std/range/package.d
    M std/range/primitives.d
    M std/signals.d
    M std/socket.d
    M std/socketstream.d
    M std/stdint.d
    M std/stdio.d
    M std/stream.d
    M std/string.d
    M std/system.d
    M std/traits.d
    M std/typecons.d
    M std/uni.d
    M std/uri.d
    M std/utf.d
    M std/variant.d
    M std/windows/charset.d
    M std/xml.d
    M std/zip.d
    M std/zlib.d

  Log Message:
  remove the deprecated wiki macros

  Commit: 357e02a4a93dbe0060c04163f9c6cc2adbc3beb1
  Author: Sebastian Wilzbach <>
  Date:   2016-05-27 (Fri, 27 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M std/container/array.d
    M std/container/binaryheap.d
    M std/container/dlist.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/container/rbtree.d
    M std/container/slist.d
    M std/container/util.d

  Log Message:
  remove unused TEXTWITHCOMMAS macro

  Commit: cae49233728f40142a1cf97b2c16d41fe825c156
  Author: Vladimir Panteleev <>
  Date:   2016-05-27 (Fri, 27 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M index.d
    M std/algorithm/package.d
    M std/ascii.d
    M std/bitmanip.d
    M std/c/fenv.d
    M std/c/locale.d
    M std/c/math.d
    M std/c/process.d
    M std/c/stdarg.d
    M std/c/stddef.d
    M std/c/stdio.d
    M std/c/stdlib.d
    M std/c/string.d
    M std/c/time.d
    M std/c/wcharh.d
    M std/compiler.d
    M std/container/array.d
    M std/container/binaryheap.d
    M std/container/dlist.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/container/rbtree.d
    M std/container/slist.d
    M std/container/util.d
    M std/conv.d
    M std/cstream.d
    M std/demangle.d
    M std/digest/crc.d
    M std/digest/md.d
    M std/digest/ripemd.d
    M std/digest/sha.d
    M std/encoding.d
    M std/exception.d
    M std/file.d
    M std/format.d
    M std/functional.d
    M std/getopt.d
    M std/math.d
    M std/mathspecial.d
    M std/meta.d
    M std/mmfile.d
    M std/numeric.d
    M std/outbuffer.d
    M std/path.d
    M std/process.d
    M std/random.d
    M std/range/interfaces.d
    M std/range/package.d
    M std/range/primitives.d
    M std/signals.d
    M std/socket.d
    M std/socketstream.d
    M std/stdint.d
    M std/stdio.d
    M std/stream.d
    M std/string.d
    M std/system.d
    M std/traits.d
    M std/typecons.d
    M std/uni.d
    M std/uri.d
    M std/utf.d
    M std/variant.d
    M std/windows/charset.d
    M std/xml.d
    M std/zip.d
    M std/zlib.d

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #4369 from wilzbach/deprecate_wiki

remove the deprecated wiki macros

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