A few months ago on the cold and rainy Oregon evening, I was reading one of
Paul and Tim's great books when the phone rang.  The call was from a
co-worker who was helping a lady set up for an estate sale and the sale
included a Victrola.  He first described it as being wide with record
storage on the sides and a price of $125.  Although I was reasonably sure
that it was some kind of console, I tried to get more specific and asked
what was on the name tag.  He replied that it was difficult to read but
thought it said "VTLA".  With that, my heart started to pound and I asked
if the bigger doors made an "L" shape.  When his reply was positive, I
asked if he could put $20 down and my name with a sold tag on the machine.
The dealer said that was ok but I'd have to wait a few days to pick it up.
When the big day arrived, I expected to pick up a Victrola XVI style VTLA
but I was wrong.  It was a flat top Pooley VTLA!  When you visit my
basement, it still has the $125 price tag...but it also says "SOLD!"  Keep
looking, they're still out there.  Happy collecting, Jerry Blais

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