Based upon a recommendation from this list, I ordered for a restoration I
was doing, what I thought to be an Amberola 30 crank from:

Well, just recently I finally got around to completing the restoration and
was disappointed after I installed the crank to see that it protruded too
far out from the machine?s case.  Upon contacting the vendor (I thought
perhaps he sipped a crank for a 50 by mistake) I received the following

?Hi Robert,
Sorry to hear you were disappointed with the Amberola 30 crank, and no it
will not fit a Amberola 50 as the thread is different. I have sold quite a
few of these and never had a problem. Maybe you have a "rogue" machine?
I always state " If you have any doubts if one of our cranks will fit your
machine please check your machine for thread/slot size and crank clearances
before ordering. Check Here "
If you wish to return it I can shorten it to the length you require but you
will have to include $9.00 for return insured mail  (or $6.00 uninsured)
Regards, Jim?

Needless to say I was not pleased.  So I went back to the web site to double
check the wording and sure enough it says: ?A2 is used on Edison Amberola 30
Cylinder Machines?.  Now in all fairness to the vendor, the measurements are
given just above this verbiage and sure enough the crank length is about an
inch longer than a real 30 crank.  As I did not have an original crank (that
?s why I ordered one) to compare the length, I was unable to recognize that
the shaft was too long.  I also noticed that this same gentlemen sells
?Amberola 30? cranks on eBay and advertises them as ?Amberola 30? cranks.

I asked permission to post this on this list and received the following

?Hello Bob, Of course you can do whatever you wish. But as you did order
this particular crank and the sizes were clearly given I have to stand by my
policy " We can not be held responsible if you order the wrong  size or
length of crank ' as stated on
I have sold hundreds of cranks over the years and have a excellent
reputation in the Phonograph community, this is more of an service than a
business hence my origonal offer to shorten your crank.
Sorry for any misunderstanding,
Best Regards, Jim?

Now I?m not about to start a flame war nor do I intend to respond to any
e-mail regarding this issue unless I have misstated the facts or the
situation changes.  BUT pleased be warned that the cranks sold as ?Amberola
30? cranks by this gentleman are not authentic reproductions and will
protrude about an inch too far out from a 30 case.


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