Good job Steve, I reported him too. Multiple reports ought to do the job!

Steven Medved <> wrote:Hi Ken,

There are two ways to find these fakirs, they must want Western Union, and 
have poor English. I enjoyed your reply from him.

I sent the following e-mail to eBay at

This is the third time this seller has fraudulently listed an item that he 
stole the photo from another site. I am just amazed at how easy it is for 
the same person to keep on doing the same thing, the last time he was 
phono_victor6 now he is phono_victor66. You need to improve your fraud 
department, I like eBay and hope that fraud like this does not hurt you.


Phono-l mailing list
From sinatrafangold  Sun Jun  6 00:50:28 2004
From: sinatrafangold (Phillip Sands)
Date: Sun Dec 24 13:10:43 2006
Subject: [Phono-L] The fake Victor VI rises again
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

>From their point of view, they have little to lose.
They are usually poor and stupid and the chances of
getting caught are small.
  Caveat emptor, as always..

--- john robles <> wrote:
> Good job Steve, I reported him too. Multiple reports
> ought to do the job!
> Steven Medved <> wrote:Hi Ken,
> There are two ways to find these fakirs, they must
> want Western Union, and 
> have poor English. I enjoyed your reply from him.
> I sent the following e-mail to eBay at
> This is the third time this seller has fraudulently
> listed an item that he 
> stole the photo from another site. I am just amazed
> at how easy it is for 
> the same person to keep on doing the same thing, the
> last time he was 
> phono_victor6 now he is phono_victor66. You need to
> improve your fraud 
> department, I like eBay and hope that fraud like
> this does not hurt you.
> Steve 
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