but that's the thing...there is no "on" or "off" topic, which is what sets
us apart from that other list.  this hobby is really narrow in some ways,
especially to outsiders.  but for those of us inside, there's almost
infinite variation and contrast.  listeners vs machine-only people, discs
vs cylinders, edison vs victor, one brand vs all brands, dealers vs
collectors, old timers vs newbies, restored vs original, polish vs patina,
generous vs selfish, acoustic vs electric, mechanisms vs. woodwork, and on
and on and on.

and this list is small enough and traffic is low enough, that nothing ever
becomes overbearing.  and when there is blather (again, in the ear of the
beholder), it is easy to delete or ignore, and it seldom carries on for
very long anyway.

as list-dad (or mom?) Loran said, he's only had to 86 a single person
since this list started...and does anyone remember who it was?  hint:  he
was mentioned here over the past week!  with that sort of a success
record, i'd say this list is mighty close to just right...

-- peter

Don Mayer wrote:
> "I don't know why anyone would be turned off by the postings on this
> list. They are almost always "on topic" and convey useful information
> about the hobby."
> I for one would be happy to see fewer postings on the "crapophones",
> etc. that are regularly seen on eBay. Perhaps a "Crapophone-L" list for
> those who are interested in this type of thread.
> The postings which are on-topic are great, however.
> Don Mayer
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> Phono-L mailing list
> Phono-L@oldcrank.org
> Phono-L Archive
> http://www.oldcrank.org/pipermail/phono-l/

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