ok, kids, let's try a little harder to keep it sweet.  just because
listmom Loran is away doesn't mean we can get all snipe-crazy.

there's no accounting for taste, and it's easy to poke fun at other folks'
stuff.  in this case though, it has the small chance of affecting the
dollars realized, so perhaps it's best to shush til the auction closes.

others have said this in other ways, but let me echo the sentiment that
one of the best things about this hobby is that there is such variety and
many little niches we can each gravitate towards.  me, i like Cheneys, for
all their poor acoustics, gutta-percha diaphragms, and bombastic ad copy. 
there, i went and said it.  feel free to go nuts with the
cheney-disparagement now...it's part of the package!

-- peter

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