Hi Phono L, I have 3 dozen new brown wax blanks for sale, they have channeled 
North American rims, and all but 2 blanks are various shades of brown, there is 
a white, and a yellow cream colored one in the lots, made of the same formula, 
they are just from an earlier batch before I started cast iron cooking them.  
Cooking them with cast iron gives them a different surface and homoginizes the 
wax better, and  duplicates the original brown color, with slight reddish cast) 
these blanks fill the entire phonograph mandrel to  facilitate a longer  
recording, (almost 2:45 @ 160) and may be plated to make moulds,  these blanks 
have  fine spiral ribs inside, much finer than the original Edison blanks, 
probably the only way to tell my blanks apart from one made in 1892!  These 
blanks use high grade Ceresine as the tempering agent. Price is 150.00 per 
dozen. Contact me via email or call me at (815) 608-0024. I might have one more 
dozen to cast, then I am out of materials. Since 2000 I ha
 ve made around 2,000 pounds of banks.                                    
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