Wow -- what a surprise lay in store for me when I  opened my email inbox 
this morning!  Glad I skipped the industrial  strength java or they'd be 
carting me off to Mercy General right now.
George Vollema & Jeff Young -- thank you.
Tom -- thank you, too.
Tim -- thank you for chiming in, as someone else who knows me.
Rich -- yes, a good write-up will (usually) go a long way.  And yes,  the 
photo technique is widespread in advertising and similar to that found  in 
the Fabrizio/Paul books, which I've long admired, as have  (obviously) 
countless others.  In fact, I first learned of the  technique from the late 
Schiffer, their publisher, who six or seven years  ago asked me to write a 
book for him about early wireless gizmos. It was a  project I started with 
great enthusiasm but unfortunately never got around to  finishing (I may have 
learned Tim's and George's photography technique, but  I don't have their 
discipline or anything close to it.)
Edward -- yes, the more clear photos, the better.
Harvey -- agreed; it was a lot of dough, but it was a legitimate  auction.  
As anyone who knows me knows (and many of you on this  forum do), they're 
all legitimate auctions: phonos, wireless  sets, early electrical apparatus, 
George Paul --  Yes, definitely.  I believe that if you take the  time to 
build it, they'll still come -- both on ebay and elsewhere  (eg, Tim's great 
Phonophan website). 
John Robles, Steve Anderson and Bruce -- I don't  think I've met any of you 
(although, Steve, I recall seeing you at  your table in Orlando a couple of 
years ago), but I'm sure you're  all more charitable people in person than 
your pile-on posts  would lead me to believe.  John especially.  Anybody who 
 went to the lengths that you went to save the life of your pet clearly has 
 his heart in the right place. 
Everybody else -- happy Australia Day (at least I think it's today).
Grant (firebottles)

In a message dated 1/26/2011 10:35:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Thanks, Rich, for the mention of our books.  It's funny -  - when asking 
$50 or $70 for a book, we believed it was incumbent upon us to  provide the 
best photography we could.  (I think we improved over the  years!)  Yet, 
someone selling an item on eBay, for which they expect to  receive hundreds or 
thousands of dollars, will post one or two fuzzy,  out-of-focus images taken 
with their phone.  Along with that, they may  post either a 2-line 
"description" of what they think the item is, or several  pages of pure fantasy.

I've watched Firebottles's auctions too, and  I've wondered what on earth 
is gong on.  However, after reading  first-hand testimonials of the seller's 
honesty, it appears something very  different may be happening.  Most 
everyone buying on eBay is aware of the  potential pitfalls, and poor 
descriptions simply decrease a  buyer's confidence.  This must have an 
effect on the final bid.   Then a seller like Firebottles provides a SERVICE; 
opportunity to see the  item from all angles and to read an accurate 
description.  Maybe global  buyers are willing to pay - handsomely - for such a 
service and the confidence  it inspires.  How else can a seller move 
run-of-the-mill merchandise at  such prices?

Which begs the question - is the phonograph market really  depressed, or is 
it suffering from the sloppy practices of most eBay  sellers?  Admittedly, 
show prices aren't high either, but relatively few  people attend shows.  I 
wonder if there were a few dozen sellers like  Firebottles on eBay what 
might happen to the market...?  Just a  thought.

George P.

-----Original  Message-----
From: Rich <>
To: Antique  Phonograph List <>
Sent: Wed, Jan 26, 2011 10:03  am
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] $6100.01 Edison Standard  Phonograph

The photo technique is a standard advertising  photography process. 

Seamless paper background, proper color balance,  proper gray scale 

rendering, focus, multi angle lighting.  If you  want to see the affect 

of these techniques look at the Fabrizio/Paul  series of books.  The 

lighting shows the depth of the  finish.  Take a copy of the description 

and either line out  everything that is not an actual condition statement 

or highlight the  actual condition statements.  Take it apart line by 

line and word  by word.

Good photography coupled with a well written  description is the secret. 

Same thing that sells  cars.

I have seen the many comments about the possibility of  either over 

restoration or refinishing of the items from this seller  but I have 

never seen or heard of any real physical proof.  As  the quality of the 

usual eBay photography and descriptions is so poor  I can understand the 

skepticism when one is  presented with a  quality presentation.

On 01/26/2011 08:15 AM, Jeffry Young,  D.O. wrote:

> I will also chime in on this seller. I also know him  personally, as we

> both are Zonophone guys. He has purchased  machines from me at a

> discount, and within a month or two has had  them on ebay. I have alsways

> looked carefully at the pictures. At  least with the machines that I have

> sold to firebottles, no  changes or alterations were made.


> He has a great gift  for his descriptions on ebay. It can not be

> understated how much  good, honest descriptions increase the final

> selling point of an  item. Also, as I wanted to take better pictures for

> my auctions, I  asked firebottles how he does it. It has taken him about

> 5 years  to perfect this. He is not a professional photographer. By trial

>  and error, he uses a curved white back drop, which I believe is  just

> heavy paper. He uses 500 watt high intensity lighting, from  multiple

> directions so there is little shadow. Also, you have to  be able to

> manually "white balance" you camera, and use a tripod  for steadiness,

> and good focus. I am sure there are some cross  over collectors out there

> who are professional photographers that  can comment on his photographs!


> Lastly, many American  machines sell extremely well outside the United

> States. Prices are  realized that we would never see in this country. Why

> do you think  that Guido buys all those common American made machines to

> have  shipped back across the pond? Because he has a market for  them.


> These comments are just my own personal  experiences. Please feel free to

> correct anything that I have  said, if you have more or better knowledge

> about the situation. I  do not want to state things in error.


>  Thanks,

> Jeff

> Wisconsin


>  -----Original Message-----

> From:  []

> On Behalf Of  George

> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 7:43 AM

> To:  Antique Phonograph List

> Subject: Re: [Phono-L] $6100.01 Edison  Standard Phonograph


> I've been reading this thread and  the seller is a long time customer of

> mine. Along with well  written Ebay listings and good photos he is

> extremely honest and  will bend over backwards for his customers. If I

> remeber correctly  this machine went to an international buyer and first

> thing the  fellow did was over wind it and break the main spring. I ended

> up  repairing this at no charge to the customer including a couple of

>  other minor things discovered when I received it. The seller took  care

> of all costs.


> While I can not speak  for all his machines this one was original. While

> I do know the  origin of it, I will not make it my business to say where

> it came  from other than it was a fairly recent acquisition for the

> seller  and the auction did not have any "Never, never land bids". At

>  least nothing that the seller had anything to do with. If all  sellers

> were as honest and straight forward as this fellow I  personally would

> still be buying on Ebay today. There is"junk"  being peddled on Ebay with

> poor descriptions and photos. I just  had another of these Ebay purchases

> from another unfortunate Ebay  buyer last week in my shop.

> Thank you,

> George  Vollema

> Great Lakes Antique Phonograph

> Newaygo MI  49337-8556


>    -----  Original Message -----

>    From: harvey  kravitz

>    To: Antique Phonograph List

>   Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:52 PM

>     Subject: Re: [Phono-L] $6100.01 Edison Standard  Phonograph



>    I also followed  this auction. I made a couple of posts in another

> forum on  this

>    topic. I can't believe how high this went. I  can't sell a Standard for

> $300.00.

>    Go  figure. That seller must be laughing all the way to the bank. For

>  that kind

>    of money, you can get an Edison Opera.or a  Victor VI.

>    Harvey  Kravitz





>   ________________________________

>    From: Jay  Horenstein<>

>    To:  Antique Phonograph List<>

>     Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 6:42:12 PM

>    Subject: Re:  [Phono-L] $6100.01 Edison Standard Phonograph


>   I didn't watch this auction......why did it command such a high  price?


>    On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 5:58 PM,  Tim Gray

>  <>wrote:


>     >  Wow!  At least I know it was a honest auction. I have bought  a

> couple of

>    >  nice machines from  the seller. I live 30 minutes from him and 

>  them

>    >  up. He allowed me to see some of his  other machines and big radio

>    >  collection.  his items are always very nice and they bring better

>  than

>    >  average prices.   Tim

>    >

>     >

>    >

>    >   >

>    >  >

>     >


>  888084

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