Link came through fine here. Not sure what might be missing or what the function is though.

On 08/10/2011 05:37 PM, Melissa Ricci wrote:
Ok, I can already tell that it did not send it as an actual link but you should 
be able to copy and paste the link into your browser to view the video. It is 
posted on YouTube.

Please email me if it doesn't work for you.

Thanks again!

From: Rich<>
To: Antique Phonograph List<>
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Edison Standard Auto Stop?

I was going to suggest just attaching them and Loran will send them on.
Probably were a bit on the large size so he has to shrink them first.

On 08/06/2011 09:54 PM, Melissa Ricci wrote:
Hi Rich,
Sorry about that. The link only seems to work on Yahoo's phonolist group. I 
tried to send the pics as attachments directly to Phono-l but I got a message 
that they are waiting to be approved by the moderator. Hopefully, the pics and 
message will be sent through when the moderator gets them.
Thanks for letting me know there was a problem!
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