OK, I can see that didn't work. More research!

On Oct 23, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Loran Hughes wrote:

> I've noticed lately that photo attachments to Phono-L aren't scrubbing 
> properly, so photos don't show up in the links like they're supposed to. 
> After much consideration, I've done a couple of things to address this.
> First, I've set up Phono-L to allow real photo attachments - this means 
> you'll be able to see the photo in the posting. Second, I've removed the size 
> limits on emails. If this works out and doesn't mess up the digest edition, 
> I'll leave it this way.
> For now, PDF and JPG files are the only types allowed. Please don't attach 
> huge files or more than a couple at a time. We'll see how this works out! If 
> anyone has problems, please let me know! As a test, I've attached a JPG.
> Loran
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