Gee, I'm the owner of the Electrola group, but it's been so long
since I joined it that I can't remember exactly how to do it :o)
Also, they've changed it several times since I joined. Anyway, it's a
"listserve" just like this phono-l listserve which means that you can
access it via the website and also you can sign up to both send and
receive messages from the group via email. Here's the website of the
Yahoo Groups assortment:
From this page, enter "Electrola" in the "search groups" box at the top
of the page. This will take you to the Electrola home page. There you
can click on the purple button titled "join group" near the middle of
the page. There you can input your name and email data and choose how
you want your messages delivered.
I think you can also still join the group by sending an email to the
following address with the word "subscribe" in the title line of your email:
Welcome aboard!
Greg Bogantz
On 4/24/2018 7:45 PM, Richard Rubin via Phono-L wrote:
Thanks, Greg. How does one subscribe to the group?
*From:* Phono-L <> on behalf of Greg
Bogantz via Phono-L <>
*Sent:* Monday, April 23, 2018 12:53 AM
*To:* Richard Rubin via Phono-L
*Cc:* Greg Bogantz
*Subject:* Re: [Phono-L] Looking for a 1941 RCA crystal phonograph
You might also want to post this request to the Electrola group on
Yahoo that specializes in the early electronic phonos of all makes.
We pretty much discuss everything up thru the 1950s and later.
email to: <>
Greg Bogantz
On 4/22/2018 6:24 PM, Richard Rubin via Phono-L wrote:
Greetings. I'm looking for a complete RCA crystal cartridge from
1941 -- if it is stamped with the part number 38598, 39919 or 38453,
and looks like the ones in the photos, I'm interested. This
cartridge would have been used in several radio-phonograph consoles,
including the RCA V-210, RCA V-215 and RCA V-225. If you have one or
know of someone who might, please let me know. (Don't worry if the
crystal is dead -- I expect it to be.) Thanks!
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