On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Prabhath Suminda
<pathiranap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I developed following schema  to store metadata. Please give feed backs and
> improvement on this.
>  This table is the main table which contains data about photoes.
> PhotoURI (Primary key)
> PhotoNickName
> Location
> Date
> Time
> LastModifiedDate

So, I'm considering the following scenarios :

   - I have local pictures in my device photo gallery
   - I have friend or my own pictures that are stored in Facebook,
Google+, Picasa, etc
   - I want to group these pictures either via tags, albums and/or folders
   - Remote pictures can be single or some kind of album subscription ?

Based on these scenarios, we probably need to extend the metadata that we have.

A good start point would be to take a look at the model from the REST
branch, which should support most of these.


Luciano Resende

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