Hi guys,

I came across this project and it looks exactly the thing I’m searching for. 
I’m running the scanner as I write this message. I’m not to fond of serving my 
photo’s on a webserver without authentication, so I’d like to use the server 
side authentication very much :-)

This past weekend I’ve moved from apache to nginx, apart from some hiccups my 
owncloud and wordpress sites are running fine. I had good hopes that setting up 
the authentication bit for PhotoFloat would be an easy drop in, like cloning 
the repository, running make and symlinking some directories. But it turns out 
that Ubuntu’s uwsgi default installation (with the python plugin) isn’t suited 
for floatapp’s authentication. 

Would someone please help me get authentication working? I’m running Ubuntu 
14.04.1 with nginx.

Thanks in advance,


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