On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 09:44:14AM +0100, Joachim Tingvold wrote:
> On 8 Jan 2017, at 14:06, Chris Green wrote:
> > No need, the new/patched version at
> > http://git.jocke.no/photofloat/?h=patches
> > fixes the problem, sorry for the noise!  :-)
> I believe this was fixed in the stock version (which is incorporated in the
> ‘patches’-branch you used above).
Yes, OK, thanks.

To get the ordering I want I have simply changed the __cmp__ functions
in PhotoAlbum.py to compare filename/path name rather than date.  My
images are named sequentially (e.g. the tenth slide film I took in
1974 has images named p1974_10_01.jpg to p1974_10_36.jpg) so this
works as I want.  Not all the file dates, nor the EXIF dates reflect
the actual image date and anyway, in some cases, I don't know the
actual date.

Lovely program, I ran it against my whole images tree (30k images)
yesterday and eveything is just as I want.

Chris Green
PhotoFloat mailing list

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