Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51469&edit=1

 ID:               51469
 Comment by:       david71rj at gmail dot com
 Reported by:      giorgio dot liscio at email dot it
 Summary:          why not Inner Classes?
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Feature/Change Request
 Package:          Class/Object related
 Operating System: irrelevant
 PHP Version:      5.3.2

 New Comment:

You can use namespaces from PHP 5.3, is basically this. See doc.

Previous Comments:
[2010-04-03 07:55:22] giorgio dot liscio at email dot it

hi, some object oriented architectures requires inner classes

i'm not good with english language so i write some examples:

in a library like PDO, now we can do some like this:

class Database


    public function prepareSql($sql){ return new Sql($sql)}


class Sql


    public function setValue($search, $replace){}

    public function executeQuery(){return new ExecutedQuery();}


class ExecutedQuery


    function fetch()

    function numRows()

    // etc


this api allows the developer to instantiate an ExecutedQuery with no
Sql parameters escaping (class Sql)

so inner classes are useful to make visible classes in some trusted

class Database


    public function prepareSql($sql){ return new Sql($sql)}

    class Sql


        public function setValue($search, $replace){}

        public function executeQuery(){return new ExecutedQuery();}

        class ExecutedQuery


            function fetch()

            function numRows()

            // etc




i've read a lot of rfc on php's wiki but no one talks about inner
classes (useful like traits and others new work in progress features)

what do you think about this?


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51469&edit=1

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