Why is this important? We never defined these as static. As long as you move
them to the .c file (for whatever reason you have that might be justified)
you really don't have to define them as static IMO. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nuno Lopes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 1:08 PM
> To: php-cvs@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP-CVS] cvs: php-src(PHP_5_2) /ext/bz2 bz2.c 
> php_bz2.h /ext/ctype ctype.c php_ctype.h /ext/json json.c 
> php_json.h /ext/pspell php_pspell.h pspell.c /ext/tidy 
> php_tidy.h tidy.c /ext/zlib php_zlib.h zlib.c zlib_fopen_wrapper.c 
> nlopess               Mon Aug 14 20:08:18 2006 UTC
>   Modified files:              (Branch: PHP_5_2)
>     /php-src/ext/bz2  bz2.c php_bz2.h 
>     /php-src/ext/ctype        ctype.c php_ctype.h 
>     /php-src/ext/json json.c php_json.h 
>     /php-src/ext/pspell       php_pspell.h pspell.c 
>     /php-src/ext/tidy php_tidy.h tidy.c 
>     /php-src/ext/zlib php_zlib.h zlib.c zlib_fopen_wrapper.c 
>   Log:
>   move static declaration to *.c files
>   mroe static/const keywording

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