helly           Sun Jan 27 18:19:45 2008 UTC

  Modified files:              
    /php-src/ext/spl/tests      observer_006.phpt 
  - Test went to 5.2... somehow.... very strange
Index: php-src/ext/spl/tests/observer_006.phpt
diff -u /dev/null php-src/ext/spl/tests/observer_006.phpt:1.2
--- /dev/null   Sun Jan 27 18:19:45 2008
+++ php-src/ext/spl/tests/observer_006.phpt     Sun Jan 27 18:19:45 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+SPL: SplObjectStorage with accociatied information
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("spl")) print "skip"; ?>
+class TestClass
+       public $test = 25;
+       public function __construct($test = 42)
+       {
+               $this->test = $test;
+       }
+class MyStorage extends SplObjectStorage
+       public $bla = 25;
+       public function __construct($bla = 26)
+       {
+               $this->bla = $bla;
+       }
+$storage = new MyStorage();
+foreach(array(1=>"foo",2=>42) as $key => $value)
+     $storage->attach(new TestClass($key), $value);
+foreach($storage as $object)
+       var_dump($object->test);
+echo "===UNSERIALIZE===\n";
+$storage2 = unserialize(serialize($storage));
+foreach($storage2 as $object)
+       var_dump($object->test);
+$storage->attach(new TestClass(3), new stdClass);
+$storage->attach(new TestClass(4), new TestClass(5));
+echo "===UNSERIALIZE2===\n";
+echo "===UNSERIALIZE3===\n";
+$storage->attach($storage->current(), "replaced");
+echo "===UNSERIALIZE4===\n";
+<?php exit(0); ?>
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  ["bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(2) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      int(42)
+    }
+  }
+string(%d) "%s"
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  ["bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(2) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      int(42)
+    }
+  }
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  ["bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(4) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      int(42)
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(3)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(stdClass)#%d (0) {
+      }
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(4)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(5)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+  ["test"]=>
+  int(2)
+string(3) "bar"
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  ["bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(4) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(3) "bar"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(3)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(stdClass)#%d (0) {
+      }
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(4)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(5)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+object(TestClass)#7 (1) {
+  ["test"]=>
+  int(3)
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  ["bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(4) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(3) "bar"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(3)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      string(8) "replaced"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(4)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        ["test"]=>
+        int(5)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  [u"bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  [u"storage":u"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(2) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      int(42)
+    }
+  }
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  [u"bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  [u"storage":u"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(2) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      int(42)
+    }
+  }
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  [u"bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  [u"storage":u"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(4) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      int(42)
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(3)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(stdClass)#%d (0) {
+      }
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(4)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(5)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+  [u"test"]=>
+  int(2)
+unicode(3) "bar"
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  [u"bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  [u"storage":u"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(4) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(3) "bar"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(3)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(stdClass)#%d (0) {
+      }
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(4)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(5)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+  [u"test"]=>
+  int(3)
+object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {
+  [u"bla"]=>
+  int(26)
+  [u"storage":u"SplObjectStorage":private]=>
+  array(4) {
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(1)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(3) "foo"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(2)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(3) "bar"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(3)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      unicode(8) "replaced"
+    }
+    ["%s"]=>
+    array(2) {
+      ["obj"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(4)
+      }
+      ["inf"]=>
+      object(TestClass)#%d (1) {
+        [u"test"]=>
+        int(5)
+      }
+    }
+  }

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