kalle           Wed Jul 30 04:35:57 2008 UTC

  Added files:                 (Branch: PHP_5_3)
    /php-src/ext/gd/tests       imagecolorclosesthwb.phpt 
  MFH: Add test for imagecolorclosesthwb()

Index: php-src/ext/gd/tests/imagecolorclosesthwb.phpt
+++ php-src/ext/gd/tests/imagecolorclosesthwb.phpt
imagecolorclosesthwb() test
        if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip: gd extension not available'); }
        if(!function_exists('imagecolorclosesthwb')){ die('skip: 
imagecolorclosesthwb() not available'); }
        $im = imagecreatefrompng('test.png');

        echo imagecolorclosesthwb($im, 255, 50, 0);

        imagecolorclosesthwb(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        imagecolorclosesthwb($im, "hello", "from", "gd");


Warning: imagecolorclosesthwb\(\) expects exactly 4 parameters, 1 given in .* 
code on line \d+

Warning: imagecolorclosesthwb\(\) expects parameter 1 to be resource, null 
given in .* code on line \d+

Warning: imagecolorclosesthwb\(\) expects parameter 2 to be long, string given 
in .* code on line \d+

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