On 07/21/2009 09:57 AM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Jani Taskinen wrote:
On 07/20/2009 07:16 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Jani Taskinen wrote:
This is all nice and that crap, but since you didn't merge it into
pear/packages/Bugtracker, it will all be lost once that stuff is taken
into action..so please merge this there too. :D
It will be merged long before Bugtracker is ready.
Define "ready" ? It's already "ready", there's nothing missing in it..

 From the README:

=== Status ===

  - Alpha
  - Likely implementation date: Q4 2009

I wouldn't trust everything I read on some random README nobody has updated for ages. :D


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