FWIW, I get a core dump anytime I use -d  try --database=


-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn Siprelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 1:01 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Wrong kinda dump

I feel like saying "Nothin' up my sleeve! --oops, wrong sleeve" for those of
you who are Rocky and Bullwinkle fans, because I'm trying to do one kind of
dump and another kind results.

I'm trying to do what seems like a rather large mysql dump; I'm importing a
very, very large Discus installation into Phorum. Had to rewrite just about
all the Phorum-provided script to do it, too (welcome to regular
expressions, Lynn! whee!). Anyway, I now have two very, very large sql dump
files, at least they seem large to me; one is ~37K, the other is ~123K --
big for text files.

When I try to dump them into mysql, I get a *core* dump--not quite the dump
I expected. From my shell:

bash-2.03$  mysql -u user -ppwd -D dbname < cleanorgph.sql
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This happens every time. MySQL version 3.22.32, FreeBSD, 3-weeks-down
PHP/MySQL programmer. The table exists, but from what I have read and can
tell, it's supposed to. Wha' happa'? Would it have anything to do with data
already being in that table (and possibly containing conflicting id numbers,
not sure)?

In the dumps,
Lynn Siprelle, Siprelle & Associates: Web Construction and Publishing
Chief Assoc. Josephine b. 9/9/97 * New Assoc. Louisa due 5/1/01
Business: lynn@siprelle com | Personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The New Homemaker: http://www.newhomemaker.com/

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