Hello Chad,

Chad Day wrote:
> I need some help selecting the last row in my database, and then moving
> backwards.. I can't just get mysql_num_rows and go back by 1, as some of the
> records are missing.. the ID field might have #'s like 1950, 1948, 1947,
> 1944, etc, and I don't want it to break by mistakingly trying to grab 1949.
> Can someone provide some help or a link to where in the manual what I'm
> doing might be explained?  Been searching, no luck yet.  Thanks!

You may want to try this "Query result table display class" that lets
you browse query results presenting them in a table with links to to the
Next, Previous, First, Last and other pages of results if they don't fit
in a single page.


Manuel Lemos

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