
    Javascript could be a solution, but only if you have reasonable amount
of data.
You can find attached a sample HTML page which uses the DOM for doing

Sorin Ifrim

----- Original Message -----
From: Kepa Lyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 2:09 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] refreshing form select boxes with javascript. possible?

> Hi,
> I have a MySQL database that contains a table of composer names/ID
> numbers, another of symphonies/ID numbers, and another of
> symphonies/composer ID's.  The problem is that under the search form
> now, the search by name does a simple query to the symphonies/ID table
> and gets back a result of all available symphonies.
>     This is cumbersome.  What I would like to be able to do, is once the
> composer name select box on the search form is selected, have the
> symphony name form re-update itself to include only those symphonies
> done by the composer.  I imagine this would use a javascript "onSelect,"
> but every time I try to include PHP code in a onselect it gets run
> anyway.  Any way around this?  Can javascript call an exterior PHP
> include or something?  Without refreshing the whole page?  Any ideas?
> the url for the project is symphonynet.datablocks.net.  It's the free
> datablocks php/MySQL deal, sometimes the connection is pretty slow.
> Thanks,
> Kepa Lyman
> --
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