Ok, thanks all for the advices.

The problem is linked with the NLS parameters.
Here are my database related param:
NLS_DATE_FORMAT = dd/mm/yyyy

I change my query : select CHAR_COL ..... into select
convert(CHAR_COL, 'US7ASCII')....
and it works.

It's not really nice but anyway it's a good first step.

Thanks again

Emmanuel Nectoux
> Is source and output from one try? because the number of rows doesn't match
> a problem could be the NLS-SETTINGS of your DB,
> maybe they are set to a character set that uses
> 2 Bytes per char.
> Or yust PHP has a problem to handle CHAR - columns.
> maybe you can overcome that with some type conversions.
> Either try something like to_char () or substring () in SQL:
> select to_char (colname)   //i#m not sure if that works
> select substr  (colname,1) // or zero, don't know if character counting
> starts with 0 or 1
>  or
> cast the result values :
>         $col_1 = (string) ociresult($stmt, "CHAR_COL");
> mk

> The "Hello" example (" H e l") comes from the sourcecode of
> my browser.
> What's strange is that the two browsers (Netscape 4.03Fr and
> IE 5.0) have different source code for the same page.
> It do seems that each CHAR that I manage to fetch is coded
> with two places (in IE).
> I tried the following code for example with the same result
> <?php
>     print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Nice Title, isn't
> it</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><PRE>\n";
>     $conn = OCILogon("XXXXX", "YYYYY", "ZZZBASEZZZ");
>     $stmt = OCIParse($conn, "select CHAR_COL,
>     OCIExecute($stmt);
>     // I fetch the five first rows
>     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
>         ocifetch($stmt);
>         $col_1 = ociresult($stmt, "CHAR_COL");
>         $col_2 = ociresult($stmt, "OTHER_DATATYPE_COL");
>         echo("\"$col_1\"\t\"$col_2\"\t\n");
>     }
>     echo ("</PRE></BODY></HTML>");
> ?>
> The html source is :
> " "     "308"
> " A B C"        "626"
> " "     "702"
> " A A N"        "1108"
> " "     "1109"
> " 7 5 1"        "1112"
> ""      ""
> ""      ""
> </PRE></BODY></HTML>
> I will have a look at the HTTP header (Content-Language or
> mime-type...), who knows....

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