Hello All,
       thank for your attention
       i've tried to serialize my class variable and it seem to be
       work ( i print it out using echo $a;)
       but when i do unserialize to that class nothing happen, and
       still i can use my class ?
       is there something wrong ?

       any one can write a simple tutorial or example to do
       serializing/unserializing class
       over page..




Wednesday, March 07, 2001, 12:11:30 AM, Loe nulis gini:

HJ> Try this URL from the PHP manual:

HJ> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php

HJ> You could use serialize($a) on your a.php page and then to use that object,
HJ> you would do unserialize($b).  I think that's what you want to do.

HJ> Josh Hoover
HJ> KnowledgeStorm, Inc.

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