At 04:05 PM 3/12/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm loading a csv text file into a table in a mysql database, however it
>seems to just stop after a while if the file is to big.
>I'm new with php so any help would be appreciated.

PHP scripts will normally have a limited life span set in the server's 
config file (php.ini).  I think the default is 30 seconds but it could be 
anything.  What is most likely happening is that you are hitting the 
maximum execution time and thus your script gets killed off because of it. 
The only work around is to use a smaller CSV file or up the maximum 
execution time.  Keep in mind that a longer execution time means that 
errant scripts will be able to tie up resources for longer as well so do 
not set it to something crazy.


Or if you have the appropriate file level access, just use "LOAD DATA 
INFILE" from within MySQL to do the import instead which will use less 
resources and not be subject to the same timeout issue.



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