No and Yes.

If the form is posted, whichever page that it was posted too will have
set to whatever was in the textbox. $text1 may also be a global variable,
depending on your php.ini settings for register_globals and also

It took me a while to feel comfortable with the web client/server
conversation.  PHP has no way of chatting with a client after a page has
been sent.  During the page request process, if a post was submitted from
the client variables will be sent via $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_PUT_VARS and/or
$HTTP_POST_VARS depending on how the form is configured.

"vivekmisra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Morning !!!   experts
> Sorry its lil bit  off list question  but u r the experts ....remember
> Is there nething in php  similar to javascript's following code ??>>:
> document.form1.text1.value  =>> ?
> so that i can fetch the value of any textbox into php variable [$var]
> thx in advance.
> Vivek
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -D-AND GATE -|>O--Complement ?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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