Mauricio Junqueira wrote:

> Hello, this is my first attempt to query and print a result coming from a
> database, in this case interbase6.
> I got the following error: InterBase: Dynamic SQL Error SQL error code =
> -504 Cursor unknown in maingeral.htm on line 8
> Here's the code:
> <? include("php/header.php");
>  ibase_pconnect(BANCO,DBUSER,DBPASSWD)
>     or die ("<script language='javaScript'> alert('" . ibase_errmsg() .
> "'); </script>");
>   $stmt     = "select count(*) from soldcars";
>   $query    = ibase_query($stmt) or die ("<script
> language='javaScript'>alert('" . ibase_errmsg() . "'); </script>");
>   $result   = ibase_fetch_row($query);    // THIS IS LINE 8
>   $TOTSOLD  = $result;
>   ibase_free_result($query);
>   $stmt    ="select Total from monthsold";
>   $query   = ibase_query($stmt) or die ("<script
> language='javaScript'>alert('" . ibase_errmsg() . "'); </script>");
>   $result  = ibase_fetch_row($query);
>   $TOTMONTH = $result[0];
>   ibase_free_result($query);
>   $stmt    = "select count(*) from deal where available = 1";
>   $query   = ibase_query($stmt) or die ("<script
> language='javaScript'>alert('" . ibase_errmsg() . "'); </script>");
>   $result  = ibase_fetch_row($query);
>   $TOTAVAIL= $result[0];
>   ibase_free_result($query);
>   ibase_commit();
>   ibase_close();
> ?>
> I have 3 query blocks. the result shows the contents of 2nd and 3rd block
> variable:TOTMONH and TOTAVAIL but nothing from the first block, TOTSOLD.
> If I comment the first block entirely, I got the same error
> (ibase_fetch_row line) on the 2nd block and the only result that appear is
> from the 3rd block.
> What I am doing wrong?
I've put this statement before the first block to see if $query was empty 
but the statement return true and the same error occured in the 
ibase_fetch_row line

 if (isset($query)) {
  $result   = ibase_fetch_row($query);
  $TOTSOLD  = $result;
  } else echo "query not set";

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