At 03:55 PM 4/18/2001 -0400, Brian Tegtmeier wrote:
>If you have any suggestions, It would be greatly appreciated. thanks! :)

First, do not use PHPNuke.  It has a shaky codebase which would require a 
complete rewrite to fix up.  I have used it personally and regret it as it 
is a total pain to modify and was not designed with security or 
extensibility in mind.  If you must use it, chop out the file manager 
functions since there will undoubtedly be more hacks for this app over 
time.  Also, do not use headlines from external sites as this can be used 
to inject PHP code into your site.

If you absolutely must use it, it sounds like you are missing a necessary 
file since translate() is an internal function.  This suggests that an 
include statement is silently failing somewhere due to a mangled path or 



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