Try stripslashes(fieldname) to "unescape" those slashes when retieving from DB....

Phil J.

Jennifer Arcino Demeterio wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am having a problem in inserting text with apostrophe to mysql database.
> When a user fills out a form field that includes an apostrophe <ex. Jen's >,
> the verify screen shows it as  <Jen\'s> and it
> is then input into the database as <Jen\'s> - automatically adding
> the backslash.  The problem is that when the record is pulled out of the MySQL
> database into my display script it also shows up as <Jen\'s> - with
> the backslash - but I want viewers to see it as <Jen's> - without the
> slash.  Then, if I modify the record and don't take out the slash, it adds
> an additional slash so I wind up with <Jen\\'s>.
> Can someone help me with my problem?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jen

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