What you need to do is make sure that the variable: $topidID is being set to a value 
first (before you register it you must get it from the table.  Once it is set you need 
to register it as you did BUT WITHOUT the $. So it will say:


Make sure that session_start is ALWAYS before any headers in your html page, BUT 
register does NOT have to be.  It can be declared anywhere in the page as long as you 
have set the value in it already.  Also, on every page that will ever access topidID 
you must have session_start() at the top.  But not session_register, as the value has 
already been registered. HINT: if you want to change the value of topidID just set 
it's value and then call a register right after you do that. 

Hope this helps!

>>> "DC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/02/01 07:53AM >>>
Hi All
I have a ? about setting a session.

I have a functions.inc file and at the top have put my session statment that
looks like this.


$topicID comes from my mysql db.

What i am trying to do is set the $topicID of my message board so that when
a sucessful post has been made the visitor can click on a link that show the
right board by topicID.

so the link will look like this...


I am banging away trying to make this work....

Any help in the meantime is as always appreciated

Thank You In Advance

dave C

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