> > Here is sample code:
> > <?
> > $connection = @mysql_connect("localhost", "jeff", "*****")
> > or die("Couldn't connect.");
> > if ($connection) {
> > $msg = "success!";
> > }
> > ?>
> >
> > This is on my machine only used by me. I also tried connecting to
> > IP address and and it still won't work. Thanks.
> > Jeff Oien
> Are your the 'root' rather than 'jeff'?  Did you alter the grants and
> apply the password? If not do you need  a password for connection?
> Tim Morris

To be honest I don't know if I am root. I know I don't need a password
to connect via the command line. I just type 'mysql'. I do have username 
and password specified in the .ini file which I believe I set when I first 
installed it. What can I do from here?
Jeff Oien 

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