> The problem involves 2 tables, one of editors and one of categories, both
> have unique ID numbers.  Each editor can have authority over an arbitrary
> number of categories, and conversely, each category can have an arbitrary
> number of editors.  So what is the best way to represent this in the DB?
> (Which is PostgreSQL 7 BTW)

This is a so-called N:N relation, and this usually calls for a third table
to store the cross-relations:

table editors
id, name, email

table categories
id, name

table ediors_categories
editor (id of editor)
category (id of category)

Now if you want to give an editor authority over a category, you would
insert a new record into editors_categories with the respective ids of the
editor and the category.
If you want to select all categories that belong to a certain author, you
would do this:
SELECT c.* FROM editors_categories ec LEFT JOIN categories c ON c.id =
ed.category WHERE ed.editor = '" . $editor_id . "'"

This selects all category records and joins them with the editors_categories
table, then filtering the resulting recordset by the editor id stored in the
editors_categories table.

Hope this helps

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