Our website uses mysql/php.  I found the link written below as a "hard
coded" link and I can't figure out why the programmer would have used
"c2x5han" as a keyword instead of  using "chan" as the keyword-  which is an
acronym for "Child Health & Nutrition".

<A HREF=/sources/search.php3?type=electronic&keywords=c2x5han&offset=0>Child
Health &amp; Nutrition</A>

I thinking about changing the link but not sure what the repercussions would
be  - if any?

Does any one have any ideas as to the logic of using "c2x5han"?

Thank you, Shawna

Contact Information:
Shawna C. Gibbs
Website Technical Assistant
Global Health Council
20 Palmer Court
White River Junction, VT 05001 USA
tel: 802.649.1340
fax: 802.649.1396
website: http://www.globalhealth.org

Contact Information:
Shawna C. Gibbs
Website Technical Assistant
Global Health Council
20 Palmer Court
White River Junction, VT 05001 USA
tel: 802.649.1340
fax: 802.649.1396
website: http://www.globalhealth.org

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