How many rows are you likely to have, and how dynamic are the weights?

I think I'd add a "cumulative sum" column to your table, ie

id        weight        cum_weight
1        10                10
2        5                   15
3        3                18
4        20            38
5        2                40

$query = "SELECT id FROM table WHERE cum_weight >= ".rand(1,40)." ORDER BY
cum_weight LIMIT 1";

Note that if you delete or update any row, the cumulative values become
incorrect.  It would be better to calculate cum_weight dynamically, but I'm
not sure how; also, this could be computationally expensive.

Another way to do this would be to repeat each row the appropriate number of
times, ie

id   value
1    1
2    1
3    1
10    1
11    2
12    2
15    2
16    3
17    3
18    3
19    4
20    4
37    4
38    4

Then you could use
$query = "SELECT value FROM table ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

""Noah Spitzer-Williams"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9hilnk$9pp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9hilnk$9pp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> if i have several rows in a table and i want some to have certain weights
> what is the best way to pick a random row based on its weight?
> ex of table:
> id    weight
> 1     10
> 2    5
> 3    3
> 4    20
> 5    2
> therefore, since there is a total weight of 40, id 1 should be picked 25%
> (10/40) of the time, id 4 50% (20/40), etc...
> what is the best way to do this?

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