I'm experiencing slowness in the fetching of result sets.  I
set the cursortype parameter as suggested by Christian
Szardenings to SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC, and I get the following:

Warning: SQL error: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0150E Driver not
capable. SQLSTATE=S1C00, SQL state S1C00 in
SQLSetConnectOption in
: eval()'d code online 56
msg: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0150E Driver not capable.

The SQLSTATE pretty well says it all - I've been through the
CLI docs and all the words indicate that this cursortype
isn't supported.  Side note: according to the IBM docs,
SQLSetConnectOption is deprecated in favor of SQLSetSQLAttr
or some such...

Anyone have any clues?  I'm using DB2 V7.1.

Glenn Butcher

PS - I sent a similar query last week; my identity wasn't
properly configured and my reply-to address went out as an
IP address -  my apologies.

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