I've set up a form that allows members to update they'r profile when they
After much debugging I got it working without any errors. The problem though
was that it won't update the info in the MySQL database.
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?


Some source:

<?php $debris = explode("+","$crispy"); ?>
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "God", "Secret");

$sql="SELECT * FROM memberinfo";

$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

  $name = $row["name"];
  $email = $row["email"];
  $loc = $row["loc"];
  $aim = $row["aim"];
  $icq = $row["icq"];
  $msn = $row["msn"];
  $yahoo = $row["yahoo"];
  $charname = $row["charname"];
  $charsname = $row["charsname"];
  $tit = $row["tit"];
  $lvl = $row["lvl"];
  $picurl = $row["picurl"];
  $born = $row["born"];
  $appearance = $row["appearance"];
  $charac = $row["charac"];
  $streng = $row["streng"];
  $bio = $row["bio"];
  $breed = $row["breed"];
  $prof = $row["prof"];
  $id = $row["id"];

 $usr = "God";
 $pwd = "Secret";
 $db = "xephiroth";
 $host = "localhost";

 # connect to database
 $cid = mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd);
 if (!$cid) { echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n"); }

 # this is processed when the form is submitted
 # back on to this page (POST METHOD)

  # double-up apostrophes
  $name = str_replace("'","&quot",$name);
  $loc = str_replace("'","&quot",$loc);
  $email = str_replace("'","&quot",$email);
  $charname = str_replace("'","&quot",$charname);
  $charsname = str_replace("'","&quot",$charsname);
  $charnick = str_replace("'","&quot",$charnick);
  $born = str_replace("'","&quot",$born);
  $appearance = str_replace("'","&quot",$appearance);
  $charac = str_replace("'","&quot",$charac);
  $streng = str_replace("'","&quot",$streng);
  $bio = str_replace("'","&quot",$bio);

  # setup SQL statement
  $SQL = " UPDATE memberinfo SET";
  $SQL = $SQL . " name = '$name', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " loc = '$loc', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " email = '$email', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " password = '$password', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " aim = '$aim', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " icq = '$icq', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " msn = '$msn', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " yahoo = '$yahoo', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " charname = '$charname', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " charsname = '$charsname', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " tit = '$tit', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " lvl = '$lvl', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " picurl = '$picurl', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " born = '$born', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " appearance = '$appearance', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " charac = '$charac', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " streng = '$streng', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " bio = '$bio', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " breed = '$breed', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " prof = '$prof', ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " charnick = '$debris[0]' ";
  $SQL = $SQL . " WHERE id = $id ";

  #execute SQL statement
  $result = mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL",$cid);

     if (($password=='') || ($password!=$password2))
        die ("Your passwords don't match.");

  # check for error
  if (!$result) { echo ("ERROR! Please send an <a
href=\"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]\";>email to the webmaster</a> and copy
the error into the mail so we can fix this problem!<BR><BR><B>ERROR:</B> " .
mysql_error() . "\n$SQL\n"); }

  echo ("<P><B> Profile Updated for $debris[0]</B></P><BR><BR><P><B>Click <a
href=default.php>here</a> to return to the members section.<P><B>\n");

<form method="POST" ACTION="profileed.php">

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