eval will work, but the entire thing must be in the eval().  It would look

$flag = 0;
$test = "(a==1) OR (b==1)";
$string = "if($test){ $flag =1;}";
if( $flag ==1 ) {do_something;}

I had to resort to this in a similar situation.  I read the condition and
result action in a MySQL database.

Richard Emery
Excel Communications, Inc.
IT Sr. Project Manager
(972) 478-3398
(972) 944-0542 (pager)

There is no "trying"...
There is only "Do" or "Not Do"

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Weisenthal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] variable if statement

i want to do something like this:

$string="($a==1) OR ($b==2)";

if ($string) { do something ; }

any ideas? i tried using if (eval($string)) but that just gave me errors.


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