maybe you could add a column called lasteditdate to the table? Set it as
a DATETIME type and then check that the last edited date/time is not
within that last, say, 10 minutes? If it is compare the data?

Or add a TINYINT column to the table with a default value of 0, and when
a user chooses to edit the row, set the value to 1. If someone chooses
to edit a row and the value is 1 tell them it's locked elsewhere (maybe
even tell them who's got it). Then when they update their changes reset
the 1 to a 0.

Just a coupla ideas :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Bopolissimus Platypus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 August 2001 13:10
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: Database "Transactions" and HTTP statelessness

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001 23:55:32 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Manuel Lemos)
>The solution is to pass data between pages and only commit it when you
>are done with all the data that you need to grab from the user.
>Transactions can't be kept between HTTP requests, but you can pass data
>between pages so you keep the choices of the user that reaches to the
>end of your process.

that's not really addressing my concern.  i'm not worried about the
coding details of multiple forms and such.  i'm concerned about
data consistency.

in case i wasn't clear enough in the original post:

let's say each row has an identifying serial number, id:

User A loads and edits the row with id=1.  row is not yet saved. 
     lastname and state fields modified but only in the browser
     for now, not yet POSTed to the server.  state is set to SC.
     lastname is, ah, "Lemos".

User B loads and edits the row with id=1.  row is not yet saved.
     state field is set to NC.  no other fields edited.

User B SAVES his edits.  on disk, the row iwth id=1 now has state
     set to NC.

User A SAVES his edits.  on disk, the row with id=1 has the
     changed lastname (maybe a problem, but probably not),
     and state is set to SC.

the lack of row locking has made B's change of the state
disappear.  and it might be that B's change is the correct one.
so now A has the wrong state data.

ideally, if B tries to save his edits, the system would tell him
that A (or someone, possibly unspecified) has the lock on
the row and the edit cannot be saved.  B can then decide
what to do (wait before trying to save again?  reload the
data so that he gets latest data?  before loading the
record, try to get a select for update, so that the select
won't even return until the row is available for editing
and B OWNS the lock (the select won't return until
the lock is available, or it may return but with error so 
that B knows that he doesn't have the lock).

an ugly alternative i've considered is keeping the
original (unedited) data in session variables and BEFORE
WRITING THE EDITED DATA, first get a select for
update (which locks the row), check if the data has 
changed, and only if it hasn't, do the write.  if the 
data is not the same as the original unedited 
data, then someone else has modified the data 
and we reload the record and allow edits by 
the user before trying to write again (possibly
with some smart features to minimize retyping of

there are also non-transaction based hacks one of 
which would involve having a lock file that stores 
locks owned by particular logical "sessions".  
all database access would then first check to see 
if there is a lock record for the particular row 
being requested.  if it's locked, then the row 
can still be viewed, but it would be read-only.  
if a 'session' owns the lock, then the row 
would be editable (there would be a "Submit" 
or "Update Database" button, which would 
not be there ifthe row is read-only because 
some other session owns the lock).  there 
would then be some sort of regular lock 
clearing program which would clear out locks 
which had timed out.

>You may want to take a look at this multi-page forms that may help you
>to keep data between forms that can be walked back and forth.

thanks for the reply, but that's not the problem i'm worried
about :).


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