
I've configured php as follows,

'./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs'
'--with-config-file-path=/megsoc3/' '--enable-trans-sid' '--with-sablot'
'--with-zlib' '--with-oracle' '--with-oci8' '--enable-sigchild'
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-sockets'

and it makes and installs fine.

Then I start httpd ok but it won't create a connection to the database.
Is this because I'm using apxs? Do I have to do it statically. Can't see
anything about it being a problem but I can't think of anything else.
Any ideas?

(I can create a connection to the database using sqlplus and the
variables I've set in php for the password and name etc. so I'm pretty
sure my client and server installations are ok).



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