
  Okay this will probably be confusing, but I'll do my best.  Please
  don't try and question my database structure, I have my reasons and
  at this point it is deffinately not going to change.  I have many
  different types of data stored in a main table the structure of main
  is as follows
  ID autonumber
  content_ID enum('artist','song','album',user function','genre', etc.)
  name char
  img char
  des char
  etc. etc.

  now on top of main, I have a few other tables that contain
  additional fields specific to a given content_ID. for instance:

  main_ID ( link to main table) int
  artist_ID (link to parent) int
  length (length of song) char
  size (size of file) char
  file (file location) char

  Now my goal is to take a given number of songs say 10 songs of
  various artists and get a list like:

  artist 1
         song1  - length - size
         song2  - length - size
         song3  - length - size
  artist 2
         song1  - length - size
         song2  - length - size
         song3  - length - size

Thanks for ure help
Best regards,
 Jacob Singh
 Pajama Design 
 2 Belanger Pl.
 Northampton, MA 01060

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