mySQL does not directly support arrays.  I'm going to assume that there is a
relationship between entries in each array to entries in the other arrays.
Therefore, create mysql records which reflect that relationship.  Something

name varchar(50) NOT NULL default "",
phone char(12) default "000-000-0000",
street1 char(25) default "",
street2 char(25) default "",
city char(25) default "",
state char(2) default "TX",
zip char(10) default "00000-0000"

Be advised, the state filed may be silently changed to 4 characters.
Second, I suggest Texas as the default state, because why not go with the
best.  As we say here in Dallas: there are two kinds of people...those who
live in Texas...and those who wish they did.

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Potter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:36 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] inserting array into mySQL

I have an array coming from a form that I need to insert into mySQL.

example: name[], phone[], address[]

Please help?

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