>Take out the while statement--
>i.e. simply use:
>$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
>the way you have things constructed now, the while statement 
>evaluates true on the first iteration and $row equals the result row 
>from the query. Because the while returned true, it is evaluated a 
>second time, returns false, and $row = NULL.

Why would that matter?  He still sets the column variables on the first
iteration?  Yes, he needs no while loop, but the variables that are
set inside the loop should remain set after the loop terminates.

>Kevin Schaaps wrote:
>>Greetings once again,
>>Today I hope to have a challenge for you. :)
>>I've created a query which returns 1 record. This is confirmed when testing
>>it in MySQL itself.
>>Now PHP sees that there is 1 record in the result, but is completely
>>unwilling to show the information.
>>The css responsible for that page does not change the color of the text so
>>it should (like all the rest of the page is) be visible.
>>Please help :)
>>$query = "SELECT concat(rank_tbl.abbreviation, ' ', character_tbl.name, ' ',
>>character_tbl.surname) as CO,
>>               character_tbl.ircnick, character_tbl.email  FROM
>>character_tbl, rank_tbl, sim_tbl WHERE sim_tbl.co = character_tbl.id
>>               AND character_tbl.rank = rank_tbl.id AND sim_tbl.co =
>>character_tbl.id AND  character_tbl.rank  = rank_tbl.id
>>               AND sim_tbl.id = $sim_id";
>>     $result         =   mysql_query($query);
>>     $num_rows       =   mysql_num_rows($result);
>>     if ($num_rows == 1)
>>     {
>>         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));
>>         {
>>             $co     =   $row["CO"];
>>             $nick   =   $row["ircnick"];
>>             $email  =   $row["email"];
>>         };
>>         echo "
>>             <table>
>>                 <tr>
>>                     <td width=\"50\"></td>
>>                     <td width=\"125\">CO:<td>
>>                     <td><a href=\"$email\">$co</a></td>
>>                 </tr>
>>                 <tr>
>>                     <td width=\"50\"></td>
>>                     <td width=\"125\">IRC NICK<td>
>>                     <td>$nick</td>
>>                 </tr>
>>                 <tr>
>>                     <td width=\"50\"></td>
>>                     <td width=\"125\"><td>
>>                     <td></td>
>>                 </tr>
>>             </table>";
>>     }
>>     else
>>     {
>>         echo "<br> <p class=\"medium\">No Commanding Officer assigned to
>>     };

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