Have you tried printing out $pet_picture to make sure that it really equals
"" when there's no pet?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Fitzgerald [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 3:09 PM
> Subject:      [PHP-DB] while...if statements???
> Does anyone know why this isn't working?? What I am trying to do is
> display 
> photos from a database based on each month. This part works fine when I
> set 
> it to the current month of December (today) as that is when I uploaded the
> photos.
> However, when I manually set the date to a month that has no photos in it,
> I want it to echo the No Animals string below....This is only working 
> half-way...meaning that it will display a blank page with nothing on it 
> instead of actually echoing the No Animals string....
> Can anyone please help?? Is there really a way to have a "while...if" 
> statement????
> ========<CODE>=========
> <?
> $connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to 
> connect!");
> $query = "SELECT petname, petDesc, petpicture FROM petinfo WHERE petmonth
> = 
> 'Apr'";
> $result = mysql_db_query($database, $query, $connection) or die ("Error in
> query: $query. " . mysql_error());
> while (list($pet_name, $pet_Desc, $pet_picture) =
> mysql_fetch_row($result))
>       {
>       if ($pet_picture == "")
>               {
>               echo "No Animals have been posted for $date at this moment.
> Please check 
> back soon.";
>               exit;
>               }
>       else
>               {
>               echo "
>               <FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica\"><B>Pet of the
> month</B></FONT><BR>
>               <BR>
>               <IMG 
> SRC=\"http://moss.bayou.com:8888/oppj/admin/animalcontrol/photos/$pet_pict
> ure\" 
> HEIGHT=150><BR>
>               <BR>
>               <FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica\" SIZE=\"-1\">$pet_Desc<BR>
>               <BR>
>               To adopt $pet_name please visit the Ouachita Parish Animal
> Shelter.<BR>
>               The adoption fee is \$50.00 which includes Spade, Neutering
> and 7-N-1 
> Shot.<BR>
>               <BR>
>               Sorry, we can not hold $pet_name for you (First come first
> serve 
> basis).</FONT>
>               <BR><BR>";
>               }
>       }
> ?>
> ========</CODE>=========
> Thanks,
> Confus3d
> -- 
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