
Change -->  xp_topics.topicid = xp_stories.topicid
to-----------> xp_stories.topicid = xp_topics.topicid
and see what your results are. Your primary selection is on xp_topics.

Then add DISTINCT following your SELECT.

That should do the trick - Miles

At 02:28 AM 1/20/2002 +1300, Barry Rumsey wrote:
>I have the following query:
>$query = "SELECT  * FROM xp_topics, xp_stories WHERE xp_topics.topicid = 
>xp_stories.topicid AND xp_topics.artistname='Faith Hill' ORDER BY 
>topictext DESC LIMIT 0,20";
>It returns the lot but a lot of doubles.
>  I want to put a DISTINCT call the query, but if I put it after the 
> select ( select distinct * from.......) it returns nothing. How do you do 

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