i coded a Mysql-Class, there are no compiling-errors when i run it.
But the problem is that it doesnīt do what i want it to do.
I added the sourcecode below and would be happy for any sugestions
how to make it better.

Cu Johannes Hiemer


    class get_db     {
        var $database = "forum";

        var $islinked = 0;
        var $iserror  = 0;

  var $reporterror = array();
        var $islinux  = 0;

  var $server   = "localhost";
        var $user     = "root";
        var $password = "";

    function connect() {

   if ($islinux == 1)  {
     $use_pconnect = 1;
     global $use_pconnect;
    else {
     $use_pconnet = 0;
     global $use_pconnect;

             if(0 == $this->islinked) {

                 if($password == "") {

                     if($use_pconnect == 0) {
                     $this->link_id = mysql_pconnect($this->server,
             else {
                $this->link_id = mysql_connect($this->server, $this->user,
                     else  {
                         if($use_pconnect == 1) {
                         $this->link_id = mysql_pconnect($this->server,
                 else {
                     $this->link_id = mysql_connect($this->server,
$this->user, $this->password);

         if(!$this->link_id) {

                     $this->stopm("Couldnīt connect to: ".$this->server.
                             " with ".$this->user."".mysql_error."reason");

                 if(!$this->database == "") {
                     $this->db_query = mysql_db_query($this->database,
                     $this->stopm("Couldnīt connect to".$this->database);

    function error() {
        $this->error = mysql_error();
        return $this->error;

    function errno() {
        $this->errno = mysql_errno();
        return $this->errno;

    function reporterrno() {

        $this->errno = mysql_errno();
        $this->file = "db_logs.txt";

        if(file_exists($this->file)) {
            $this->openlogfile = fopen($this->file, "a+");

             if(feof($this->openlogfile)) {
                fputs($this->openlogfile, date("d.M.Y h:m:s",
        else {
            $this->openlogfile = fopen($this->file,"a+");

            if(feof($this->openlogfile)) {
                fputs($this->openlogfile, date("d.M.Y h:m:s",
    @mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", 'Mysql_error: ".$this->errno."',
date("d.M.Y h:m:s", time()).",".$REMOTE_ADDR."<br>\n".$this->errno."");

    function db_select($database) {

        $this->database = $database;
        $this->db_query = mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->link_id);
        $this->stopm("Couldnīt connect


    function db_query($string_query) {

            $this->query = mysql_query($string_query, $this->link_id);

            if(!$this->query) {
                $this->stopm("Invalid Mysql_query: ".$string_query);

            return $this->query;


    function fetch_array($string_query) {

        if (isset($query_string)) {
            if(!empty($string_query)) {
                $this->stopm("Query was emtpy or wrong".$this->error);

   $this->fetch_data = mysql_fetch_array($this->query, $this->link_id);

            if(!$this->fetch_data) {
                $this->stopm("Query was emtpy or wrong".$this->error);
            else {

                return $this->fetch_data;

    function stopm($msg) {

    if ($this->reporterror == 1) {
      $message="Database error in $this->appname: $msg\n";
      $message.="mysql error: $this->error\n";
      $message.="mysql error number: $this->errno\n";
      $message.="Date: ".date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A")."\n";
      $message.="Script: ".getenv("REQUEST_URI")."\n";
      $message.="Referer: ".getenv("HTTP_REFERER")."\n";

      @mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", 'Mysql_error: ".$this->errno."',
date("d.M.Y h:m:s", time()).",".$REMOTE_ADDR."<br>\n".$this->errno."");

      echo "\n<!-- $message -->\n";

      echo "</td></tr></table>\n<p>Es sind Probleme mit der Datenbank
      echo "Versuchen sie es erneut in dem sie den Refresh Button des
Browser nutzen.</p>";
      echo "Es wurde eine Email an unseren Techniker gesendet<a
href=\"mailto:$technicalemail\";>Techniker</a>, der mit diesem Link
kontaktiert werden kann, sofern der Fehler erneut auftritt.</p>";
      echo "<p>Wir bitten vielmals um Entschuldigung.</p>";

  $test = new get_db();
  $test -> connect();
  $test -> db_query("SELECT * FROM topics");
  $test -> fetch_array("SELECT * FROM topics");
  echo "$test";


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