Hi again JD...I got to thinkin':)

Just out of curiosity...how many images were you bringing back from the db
when your script timed out?
I store the path of my image in the db and echo it out when I need to.

Cheers Joe:)

Jd Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am just going to interject a second here... sorry :P
> About storing images on a server... I did that for awhile, but once i hit
> 1000+ images, my scripts started timing out.(from reading the directory)
> Storing them in the DB seems to actually improve performance for php...
> Another issue is that I have one copy of a php script in my apache site
> folder, and use aliases to install the same script on many domains (Using
> VirtualHost containers in httpd.conf)
> I have gone back and forth from one system to another, and haven't found a
> perfect solution yet :)
> JD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lerp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:20 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: A good tutorial
> Hi Jen, here's some code I posted up in the general ng for storing in db
> retrieving images from db for display on your page.
> It's recommended that you stay away from storing actual images in the db.
> you are storing a path the code below might help you out. It select a
> firstname, and
> an image according to an id. You'll have to change the "youridentityfield"
> and "youridentity" values to suit your needs.
> ##################################### display image from db
> #####################################################
> #connect to db
> $connectionToDBid = odbc_connect("ceo34deesnr43ipits", "joeyscode",
> "joeyscode");
> // sql statement
> $sqlb = "SELECT imagepath, firstname FROM IMAGES WHERE youridentityfield
> . $youridentity;
> # execute the query
> $resultset = odbc_do($connectionToDBid, $sqlb);
> $image = odbc_result($resultset,1);
> $firstname = odbc_result($resultset,2);
> print "<br><br><br><div align='center'>";
> print "<table width='400' border=0 cellpadding=2>" ;
> print "<tr><td align='left'>" ;
> print  "<font color='#ffffff' face='verdana'><h4>" . "Welcome back " .
> $firstname . "</h4></font>";
> print "</td></tr>";
> print "<tr><td align='center'>" ;
> print "<img src='" . $image."'  align='center' border='0'><br>";
> print "</td></tr>";
> print "</table>";
> # close the db connection here
> ##################################### end of display image from db
> #####################################################
> #################################photo upload form
> ####################################################################
> Here's a common form that allows you to upload a file (say an image) to
> db
> <form action='upload.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
> <input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='102400'>
> <P><font color='#ffffff' face='verdana' size=1>Upload Photo:</font><input
> type='file' name='userfile'><input type='submit'
> value='Upload!!!'></form></p>
> ################################end of photo upload form
> ##############################################################
> ############################start of upload process to db
> ################################################################
> <?php
> # $userfile is the file being uploaded
> # print $userfile . "<BR>";
> # print $userfile_name . "<BR>";
> #use a time stamp plus the original file name to uniquely name the image
> before storing in db to prevent two files with the same name
> $timestamp = time();
> $userfile_name = $timestamp.$userfile_name ;
> // copy the file being posted -- remember to escape backslashes!!!
> if(copy($userfile, "/ez/codesnipits/consultant/tempimages/".
> $userfile_name)){
> print "<font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color='#663399'
> size='2'>Your picture has been uploaded successfully and has been made
> available for
> online users to view.</font><br><br><br>" ;
> }
> else
> {
> print "<font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'
> color='#663399'>Error encountered during resume upload
> }
> $patharola = "tempimages/". $userfile_name;
> // insert path into database here
> # connect to db
> $connectionToDBid = odbc_connect("cdefc5onwesulertt", "joeyscon",
> "joeyscon");
> session_register("consultantid");
> $consultantid = $consultantid;
> # create query statement -- update image field in db using path
> $sqlr = "UPDATE CONSULTANT SET image= '$patharola' WHERE consultantid=" .
> $consultantid;
> # execute the sql statement (query) on the connection made
> $resultset = odbc_do($connectionToDBid, $sqlr);
> ?>
> ################################end of image to db process
> ##################################################
> Hope this helps you out :)
> Cheers Joe :)
> "Jennifer Downey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > If anyone knows of one, would someone please point me towards a good
> > tutorial on storing images in a database then fetching them out again.
> >
> > I would really appreciate it and thanks in advance!
> >
> > Jen Downey
> >
> >
> --
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