I've been struggling with creating a rate report based on data extracted
from a
Mysql table. I had written a piece of PHP code for creating the type of
report I needed but it has turned out buggy and prone to errors. I then
tried grouping the rates data in an sql statement but this omits lines and
leaves my
dates out of wack. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction
with how the following table could be created with the below data.

Thanks for any suggestions on how to go about this.

2002-05-01 | 2002-05-03 | 60  | 70
2002-05-04 | 2002-05-05 | 100 | 120
2002-05-06 | 2002-05-09 | 80 | 100
2002-05-10 | 120 | 140
2002-05-11 | 2002-05-14 | 60 | 70
2002-05-15 | 2002-05-18 | 40 | 60

id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
ratedate date DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
rate1 smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
rate2 mediumint(9) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '1', '2002-05-01', '60', '70');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '2', '2002-05-02', '60', '70');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '3', '2002-05-03', '60', '70');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '4', '2002-05-04', '100', '120');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '5', '2002-05-05', '100', '120');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '6', '2002-05-06', '80', '100');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '7', '2002-05-07', '80', '100');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '8', '2002-05-08', '80', '100');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '9', '2002-05-09', '80', '100');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '10', '2002-05-10', '120', '140');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '11', '2002-05-11', '60', '70');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '12', '2002-05-12', '60', '70');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '13', '2002-02-13', '60', '70');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '14', '2002-05-14', '60', '70');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '15', '2002-05-15', '40', '60');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '16', '2002-05-16', '40', '60');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '17', '2002-05-17', '40', '60');
INSERT INTO rates VALUES ( '18', '2002-05-18', '40', '60');

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