On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 14:36, Lerp wrote:

> Hi there :) I think you just might be missing two curly braces. Like below.
> if ($next_week) {
> while(date("W",mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$Y))==$week) {
> ...blablabla...
> }
> }

Well, I intentionally left a few lines and curly brackets and stuff off
the mail, so that wasn't the problem. I've solved it though (sort of).
Turns out I was blind, after all. See, I use a Finnish layout on my
keyboard. I get curly brackets by pressing AltGr+7/AltGr+0. 

I seem to have accidentally held down AltGR and pressed space after a 
curly bracket, which results in some sort of empty character, but a 
character nevertheless. ;) I have the same problem in my gnome terminal
too, typing, for example 'ps -aux | grep whatever'. I get, every now and
then, complaints about bash not being able to find ' grep'. ;)


> > Can anyone tell me what's wrong with line 68? I get a parse error on
> > line 68 trying to run this. The strange thing is that it doesn't
> > complain about line 54. Either I'm blind, stupid, or there's somehing
> > very wrong here. I've checked above line 67 too, but there doesn't seem
> > to be any missing brackets or semicolons...
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Markus
> >
> >
> > --------------------
> >
> >
> > 53: if ($prev_week) {
> > 54:    while(date("W",mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$Y))==$week) {
> > ...blababla...
> > }
> >
> > 67: if ($next_week) {
> > 68:    while(date("W",mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$Y))==$week) {
> >   ...blablabla...
> > }

Markus Lervik
Linux-administrator with a kungfoo grip
Vaasa City Library - Regional Library
+358-6-325 3589 / +358-40-832 6709

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