Hi all, 

I'm really stuck and I'm not asking anyone to re-write this just show me what is 
wrong, or explain why it wont work. It just seems logical that this should work.

The first query will print the pet id in the browser.

$query="SELECT  id FROM wt_users WHERE uid={$session["uid"]}";
$ret = mysql_query($query);
print("<BR>your pet id is $pet");

So if $pet will print the id from the wt_users (has a value of 3) and I assign $id = 
$pet (id also has a value of 3 in image_data)  why doesn't it show the image?

if($id) {

$id = $pet;
    $query = "select bin_data,filetype from image_data where id=$id";
  $result = mysql_query($query);

    $data = mysql_query($result,0,"bin_data");
    $type = mysql_query($result,0,"filetype");

    Header( "Content-type: $type");
    echo $data;

echo "<img src=\"petdata.php?id=$id\">";

Jennifer Downey

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